ArcheAge Wiki


As a game with strong sandbox influence, the majority of the content in game is generated by players. ArcheAge features 21 different crafting professions that help to fill the world with everything from potions and weapons to warships and houses.

Labor Points

Almost every craft based, non quest action costs labor points to perform. The cost can be as small as 1-2 points for small things like picking flowers and as large a several dozen for more advanced actions like building.

Labor Points are gained/refilled over time. A non-premium user will gain one point per 5 minutes of play. A premium member will gain 5 points ever 5 minutes, even when they are not logged in.

Special Reagents


Here's a closer look at the 21 professions.

Alchemy Cooking Blacksmithing Carpentry Casting Treatment of Skin Sewing
Alchemy Cooking Weaponry Carpentry Metalwork Leatherwork Tailoring
Handwork Construction Mechanics Commerce Farming Animal Husbandry Stone Processing
Handicrafts Construction Machining Commerce Farming Husbandry Masonry
Gathering Cutting Mining Printing Fishing Larceny Composing
Gathering Logging Mining Printing Fishing Larceny Composing